“Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life.”
-John Muir
Hello friends, my name is Tim! My trail name is Ironhusk, or colloquially, The Husk. (In the off-season, I have even heard whispers of Rustyhusk.)

After dreaming about the PCT for two years, I began my first thru attempt on April 15, 2015. That season, I managed to hike 1,500 miles, tapping out just shy of the Oregon border. I returned to unfinished business on trail in 2016 and 2017, as well as a stint on the New Mexican portion of the CDT.
The stars fortuitously aligned again in 2018 and I was unexpectedly able to return to the US/Mexico border and start anew. I managed to reach Canada on September 29th, right on the eve of snow.
The PCT has been such a great experience. It has taught me a tremendous amount regarding self-autonomy, confidence, troubleshooting, budgeting, risk assessment, etc. The more time passes, the more I realize just how special of an experience it was and I would encourage everyone to consider it so some degree, even if that means a journey as short as a week or two. Not a day went by over the years that followed where I didn’t think about it and the people I’d met.
I’ve got some real estate here in my bag’
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies
And walked off to look for America….”
-Paul Simon
A little blast from the past. I was raised in Portland, Oregon, where I had a terrific scouting experience. Our leaders did such a good job of seeking all kinds of high adventure that a dozen of us remained until age 18. One such adventure included a 75-mile backpacking trek around Mt. Adams in the Indian Heaven region, most of which was on the PCT.

My other interests include:
Playing and recording music
“Leaves are falling all around,
It’s time I was on my way.
Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay.
But now it’s time for me to go.
The autumn moon lights my way.
For now I smell the rain,
And with it pain,
And it’s headed my way.
Sometimes I grow so tired,
But I know about one thing I got to do
Ramble on!
And now’s the time, the time is now to sing my song.”
-Led Zeppelin
“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!”
-Henry V
You have already accomplished so much and you aren’t even on the trail yet! I can’t wait to hear your tales from the trail. Dulce Periculum!
More power to you. It takes courage to undertake such a challenge.
Nice meeting you over the wine table at Costco. So, when do you start?
The rock formation I was trying to remember is Devil’s Postpile.
Good luck!
Nice meeting you as well. Thanks for the tips! We start April 15th, very excited. 🙂 (BTW, H3 was great!)
Hey Tim, best of luck to you two on the hike. You guys will be in my thoughts. Take lots of pictures and be sure to come back down and tell us all the stories when you’re done. Most of all, ENJOY!!!!
Thanks! There has been a lot of Type 1 fun and Type 2 fun, but even beyond fun, there was already a lot of spectacular moments where you’re just overwhelmed by the beauty around you, and how quickly one biome merges into the next. I expected the first two weeks to be the same as Day 1, just more of the same, but they were significantly different from each other. The 5 mile stretch out of Mt Laguna really blew me away!
Hi Tim. Looks like you are having a great time and doing very well. We are enjoying the pictures. Be careful and have a great rest of your trip!! Wish I could do such a wonderful feat !!!!
So, belatedly dear Tim, we found you. Not that we have not tried, but there were some serious computer breakdowns on our return from Asia. Well, here are, and here we shall be, till the end of your journey – and beyond; this will be exhilarating.
Nice meeting you and your fellow hikers at the Burger Barn in Bishop,California on June 10. Have a successful journey.
Hi Tim, It was so nice running into you on the trail yesterday (4/21/18 -Earth Day)! I wish you the best of adventures this year out on the trail. Stay happy, healthy and safe. -Victoria one of the two runner girls who asked you a ton of questions 🙂
Great meeting you today.
March on!
Hi Tim It was so nice to meet you and talk with you today at the Snoqualmie Pass best wishes and good luck
Nice to meet you at the Snoqualmie tunnle. Hoped you enjoy the DR. PEPPER
Have a nice trip.